Sunday, August 26, 2012

One day running bamboo clearance sale - Saturday, September 8 in Rocklin, CA

We are phasing out many of our running bamboo to make room for non-invasive clumping bamboo. Running bamboo is perfect as a patio container plant due to its durability and how quickly it grows.

We want these plants gone quickly, so we are pricing them near cost to move them out.

We will be selling these plants at the Rocklin Farmers’ Market on Saturday, September 8 - just one day and only at the Rocklin Farmers’ Market.

Here is a list of the running bamboo varieties we will have for the clearance sale on September 8 (all heights are estimated container heights):

Plieobblastus akebono
2 feet; afternoon shade

Pseudosasa japonica ‘Arrow Bamboo’
9 feet; mostly sun

Pseudosasa amabalis ‘Tonkin Cane’
25 feet; full sun

Pseudosasa japonica tsutsusiama ‘Green Onion Bamboo’
9 feet; afternoon shade

Semiarundaria fortis
13 feet, full sun

Chimonobambusa marmorea ‘Marbled Bamboo’
3 feet; Full sun
Sasa veitchii ‘Kuma-Zasa’ (pictured)
3 feet, afternoon shade

Plieoblastus simoniii ‘Variegatus’
10 feet; full sun

Bashania fargesii
10 feet; full sun

1 gallons are $1

3 gallons are $3

When: Saturday, September 8, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

Where: Rocklin Farmers’ Market at the RC Willey Parking Lot at 6636 Lonetree Blvd. in Rocklin (15 miles east of Sacramento).

Mad Man Bamboo - Rocklin, CA
(916) 300-6335